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Governing Board

We believe…

  • education is more than academics;
  • that a caring and nurturing community empowers students;
  • the future belongs to those who can collaborate, can communicate, make connections and are creative;
  • in inspiring people to be accountable to something bigger than themselves.

As a public charter school, FCLA is afforded greater flexibility in how we meet the needs of our students as we educate them towards mastery of skills and content while ensuring the attainment of all public education standards. The increased flexibility, however, is accompanied by increased accountability. One component of this increased accountability is the Governing Board. 

This Board provides general oversight of the school’s activities along the path to student achievement. The Governing Board is comprised of parent and community representatives, as well as staff members. All parents are invited to attend the monthly meetings; dates and times will be publicized prior to each meeting.

Charter Contract